Friday, January 12, 2007

Missing Photos -- Take that Blogger!

Ok, Blogger tried to take my photos away but I won't give in that easily. Oh no, not old Claire Rose. The pictures are back and better than ever. So take that Blogger!


Maria said...

The one of me and the boys stuffing our faces is still MIA. Strange beast, blogger.

Claire in Tuba-Town said...

No, actually that strange beast was me . . . forgot to upload that one. I was pissed about having to do it at all and didn't put too much time into it.

Rhiannon said...

i love the photo of the week! i just spent a lovely day with mitchell f, so seeing that picture makes me smile!

Joyce Chapman, Consultant for Communications & Data Analysis said...

though i can see all of the pictures on my home computer, some of them are INDEED missing when i view from my work computer. can you explain this? is blogger getting a sly one by you?