Saturday, January 27, 2007


I officially have no idea who the 1000th visitor to my blog (since November). Said visitor was viewing my page from the Saarland and running Windows in German (yes, the truth comes out: I know these things about you). And to be honest, I don't really know if I know anyone in the Saarland. Yes, I've been to the Saarland and I know some people there, but I don't think they know of my blog or are interested enough in me to be reading it . . . so if you feel like it, 1000th visitor, identify yourself and you'll get the prize. If not . . . well, then I'll keep the prize.


Unknown said...

Claire! Though I haven't visited at a special time, I have finally caught up with you on this inter-web. Thanks for hunting me down while I had my blogsite up and running with no one at the steering wheel - I let my garden get out of hand with no posting. Now I am back down here in Auckland, enrolled in teachers college, getting married (ahem) and settling in with a broadband connection and my laptop. I promise I will keep myself posted on your happenings in tuba-town!!

Rhiannon said...

i think i am 1018...close enough?!?