Friday, November 10, 2006

Word of the day: crackerjack

Yes, the word of the day on my google homepage is actually crackerjack, meaning "of striking ability or excellence". Well let me tell you that the teaching workshop that I went to today was great, due to our teacher, who was absolutely crackerjack. This workshop got me absolutely giddy about teaching and language learning.

PS What do you guys want for Christmas?


Anonymous said...

Whirled peas.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How 'bout some...jacks to play with...or a big box of Apple Jacks...mmm appley...

Maria said...

A full fake-meat goose. A to-goose? A goose-fu? This is never going to get off the ground unless I can think up a clever name.

Maria said...

P.S. Does #2 on your hot list indicate that you have seen Borat?

Joyce Chapman, Consultant for Communications & Data Analysis said...

a heart! a brain! a home! i forget what Cowardly Lion wanted(?)... anywho, their wishlist together is clear competition with any xmas list i could have come up with on my own. see if you can get any of those to me by airmail before i leave for vietnam, dec. 23rd.