Well, the heading basically says it all. I eat pumpkin, lots and lots and lots of pumpkin. I didn't actually know that I liked pumpkin until about two years ago. Actually, I take that back. At the Nelson's house I ate Terry's pumpkin pie and liked it when I was about 10 but she's an exceptional baker so I think that I just figured I liked it because she made it, not because of the the pumpkin itself. At any rate, I think pumpkin is a veggie to be celebrated and since it's only around in the fall, well, it's time to party hardy! The next time I'm back in the states I think I'll bring back one of those kids pumpkin carving knives, as I think they might be one of the most effective ways to carve a pumpkin. Who'd a thunk it?
that is pretty much the awesomest photo I have seen... well ... ever.
also, you are absolutely correct. pumpkin is delicious and amazing. just be careful not to overdose on the vitamin a aka Hypervitaminosis A. like avoid supplementing with a polar bear liver side dish. or you could die like that south pole explorer Xavier Mertz.
What a coincidence...I made a pumpkin cake for the ladies this week. Must be genetic.
unglaubliche action auf dem foto! ich hoffe, du bist genauso dynamisch durch den tunnel gekommen... ;-)
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