Monday, May 22, 2006

Sorry, I was in the garden

My appologies everyone, I was in the garden. Below you will find pictures of the garden in its very early stages. I'll try to take some new pictures tomorrow to show you all the progress that has been made.

Today was a great day. I got a haircut and a new job! The haircut idea was born out of necessity, as I hadn't had it cut in 5 months and was starting to look like a mangy lion. (Maria, not hot). The new dew is shorter and, for those of you who knew me back then or have seen pictures, reminds me of the haircut I had when I was 4 and went as Robin Hood for Halloween. That might not sound good to the rest of you, but I'm a fan. I'll work on a photo of that too. The job is at the DAI, the German American Institute here in Tübingen. I did a teaching audition for them, all those involved had a great time, and they hired me on the spot. I won't start teaching until the fall, since I'll be gone in from August to October, but I don't mind -- I have enough to do until then anyways.

Well, that's all for now. I've still got some reading to do for tomorrow. Ooops!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Claire, on the obviously-good interview and hiring! We'll be anxious to hear more, but the job DOES sound interesting!

Maria said...

Good egg on the job and can't wait to see the haircut. I think we should both start posting hot or not lists instead of narratives.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Big congrats on the job. Does this mean you will stop with the geoscience stuff? You know, because I do know a lot about mica schist and want to make sure you do too. I am in Dubai. It is toasty.

Raggsokk said...

Congrats to you then! A haircut and a new job in one day? That`s almost too much good stuff at one time!

Your work in the garden really seem to have payed off by the way! Nice bananas:)