Monday, April 02, 2007

Wow! I spawned a discussion!!

One of the things that I do to waste my time and to feed the obsessive element of my personality is to look at my blog counter. I can see where the visitors to my blog are from and how they got to my site.

Today I saw that someone from France had looked at my page, and since I don't really know many people in France and don't have many readers in France, I thought I'd take a closer look at how they got here. I clicked on the page that linked them to my blog and was shocked to find that one of my blog entries about Germans loving Lauryn Hill had been posted on a Lauryn Hill web forum and had generated a bit of discussion. I'm so very honored! I was also incredibly thankful that I wasn't torn to shreds by the critics . . .


Anonymous said...

Oooh my dear. You have indeed provoked discussion. And upon re-reading that post, it is well-deserved, I must say!