Thursday, November 08, 2007

Back from the Love Boat, uhhh . . . I mean Peace Boat

So I finally made it back from my 3.5 week journey to Jordan and the Mediteranean region. I'm still working on getting photos together from everyone -- I forgot my camera in the US and am just collecting photos from all my friends and hoping from the best. But, just to give you a taste of what's to come, here is a picture of me with some of my fellow students on board the Peace Boat. By the was, it's harder to breathe in a kimono than you might think.

There will be more soon!


joe said...


Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Fraulein/女性!

Anonymous said...

"Harder to breathe in a kimono" and harder to walk with bound-foot shoe style. Watsup with that?

Claire in Tuba-Town said...

What? I think that was China . . . but I'm not positive.

Anonymous said...

Is that Dieter Thomas Kuhn on the picture?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, you are right - China not Japan. Apologies all around.

Stimey said...

Welcome back! Can't wait to hear more!

skhl said...

that photo is pretty much awesome. it reminds me of a wes anderson film for some reason. thanks for the postcard! at first I thought it was a photo of cheese, melted cheese... underwater? but then I read the caption. but really, underwater cheese. I think fish would really appreciate it given the chance... just think: a new target market for our book!

Zosia said...

Thanks for the postcard and welcome home! Can we please appreciate the awesomeness of your postcard choice, for just a moment. Tight, white pants, bulging crotch, bottle of cola, camel: "This desert is so western and cool! Check me out, I am a stud!"